My name is Julianne, but everyone call me Andréa. I am 19 years old and I am French.
In a few words, I could say that I am a bit of an introvert, but very curious, and strong-minded. I would also say a bit of a procrastinator.
I am a very crafty person, and have been for about a decade, I can knit, crochet, as well as sew, mainly.
In my last year of high school I started to have the problem of not knowing where to go, what to do, which job and studies should I go for. However I have always been very interested in travelling and discovering other cultures as well as meet other people, and sharing mine. I discovered ESC volunteering, and just went for it.
I have been to Croatia in summer of 2022 for two month. We did lots of things, and there, I was able to meet wonderful people, share things with them, as well as travelling without paying a dime, it was a wonderful and very rewarding experience. I wanted to do it again, so I did. I am now at the beginning of my Journey in Gdańsk and Poland.
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