Raz na tydzień publikujemy historie wolontariuszy – z Włoch i z Ukrainy – którzy spędząją cały rok w Gdańsku, w Centrum Wolontariatu, w ramach wolontariatu europejskiego.
This week’s story only in English, cause why not? 🙂
It was my autumn! I enjoyed every moment of it. It was going so smoothly that I didn’t notice some serious changes. Just sometimes going to the office, I was looking through the window and was thinking that leaves are still yellow! In the middle of November! Usually, in Ukraine, you can’t see yellow leaves on the trees at that time.
It was raining, and it was cloudy and foggy. It wasn’t a problem for me, and I felt even better. It was just typical autumn, with cold evenings, when you search for a warm place or return faster to your cozy house. It’s so good finally not to be dependent on the weather (I can’t stand the heat and high temperatures).
I was lucky to see snow twice during this autumn when I traveled to Norway. I experienced Northern lights in Tromso by my own eyes! It’s like a miracle, just some amazing thing that must happen in your life at least once! I spend one of the best vacation weekends in Oslo, simply by walking, breathing in one rhythm with the city, and take all the best from it.
Today (27.11), while coming to the office, I thought that my November is never-ending. It’s like so many events happen in such a short period that I can’t believe that that was with me!
I was volunteering at the Ukrainian Festival JarmaRock. I was responsible for our Instagram and for helping Ukrainian band Chumatskiy Shlyah- showing around, managing their plan, soundcheck, exploring Gdansk (they were here for the first time). It was a fantastic experience! I could combine both assignments, manage musicians, and enjoy listening to music! My dream came true that I could spend with a band two days, felt like their manager 🙂
Also, I went to Wroclaw for a weekend. Christmas is already in the city! I’m amazed at how huge the Christmas market is! And tradition with using a beautiful cup, instead of plastic one is very good, and you can get a cool souvenir and not bring more plastic to this world. I visited a Hydropolis Centre for Ecological Education and the first oceanarium in Poland Afrykanarium.
I had a chance to listen to one of the best acoustic guitarists of the world in the Gdansk Philharmonic! Could I even dream about it one year ago? That I can leave a flat, take a tram and get to the concert! Four years ago I had to take a night train to Kyiv (our capital, where was the first big concert of Tommy Emmanuel in Ukraine), spend the whole day in the city, only in the evening went to the concert and had to spend one night in the city. It was tiring. Here I just sat in the Philharmonic and enjoyed the perfect sound of the guitar!
I went to a concert „The World of Hans Zimmer”. Sitting in Ergo Arena and observing the best show in my life, I was thinking that was sleeping. It was so unreal, but at the same time, so spectacular! Such a huge orchestra played like for the last time in their life. No words, listen to some of Hans Zimmers’ music online!
I’m again grateful for everything that happens with me in Gdansk!