Wolontariat w Hiszpanii

Data publikacji: 31/07/2024

XERACION VALENCIA is a non-profit youth cultural association located in Gandia,Valencia created to encourage and facilitate the international mobility of youth and youth workers and to enhance values of tolerance, human dignity, interculturality, solidarity and cooperation, social justice and integration.

XERACION VALENCIA is looking for volunteers for two different long term projects.

Opis zadania dla wolontariusza

PROJECT NR 1 – LLAR JUVENIL BELLREGUARD (Long term-supporting local communities in Bellreguard), 1 VOLUNTEER NEEDED:

Volunteer who will participate will support regional youth programming, communication, ecological volunteering, educational leisure, and more. Some of the tasks are:

  • Assisting with regional youth programming in the Safor region, particularly for Bellreguard;
  • Supporting the Youth Service's communication efforts through web and social media content, such as posts, reels, videos, and photos, targeting an audience of similar age;
  • Creating graphic and audio-visual materials like videos, posters, and blogs;
  • Participating in the "Terra Liders" program for ecological volunteering;
  • Helping with English conversation groups at Su-FORMA;
  • Enhancing educational leisure activities through programs like "Barrejat d’Oci" and "Nits Bordes," which provide safe nighttime alternatives;
  • Promoting the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Youth volunteer programs in local schools;
  • Aiding in the drafting and implementation of European programs, empowering local youth to initiate their own projects;
  • Proposing awareness campaigns on topics relevant to local youth.

More informations: ESC BELLREGUARD 2023-2024v2.pdf - Google Drive

PROJECT NR 2 - AUNA INCLUSIO (Long term-working with people with intellectual diversity in Safor), 1 VOLUNTEER NEEDED:

AUNA INCLUSIO is the hosting organization which promotes the criteria of Full Inclusion regarding  the concept of intellectual disability. The organization's mission is to improve the quality of life of each person with intellectual disabilities. The AUNA INCLUSIO organization supports people with disbilities throughout the day every day.

Everyday tasks will include:

  • Taking part in excursions to the different parts of the villages of the Safor with people from the hosting organization “Auna Inclusio”;
  • Assisting during cinema visits;
  • Spending time walking on the beach during weekend;
  • Taking part on the organization of events such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Fallas, Carnival, Peace Day, parties and other celebrations.

More informations: ESC ASMISAF Jun 2024.pdf - Google Drive


The project is implemented under the European Commission's European Solidarity Corps Programme. The travel to Spain and back is covered up to a certain amount according to the EU distance calculator.

As part of this project, volunteers receive financial support:


  • 300€ per month (150€ as pocket money and 150€ as food money);
  • The accommodation is in private rooms in a 4 or 6 bedroom shared apartment situated in Gandia (a town nearby Bellreguard) and all the expenses will be covered (electricity, internet, water, gas);
  • Each volunteer will receive a Spanish SIM card for their telephone;
  • Bicycle to move around locally. This project is located in a small village called “Bellreguard”. However, volunteers will be living in Gandia town and every day they will have to go by bicycle to Bellreguard and back. This is approx. 4,5 Kilometres and around 15 minutes ride.


  • 330€ each month (6€ per day as pocket money and 5€ per day as food money);
  • Volunteers will be accommodated in Gandia in a shared apartment (with other ESC volunteers) with private room and all the expenses in the house will be paid by the organisation (electricity, internet, water, gas);
  • Volunteer will receive a SIM card for their telephone;
  • Bicycle to move around locally.

Dodatkowe informacje/wymagania

Age requirements: from 18 to 30 years old.

Long-term Spain, Gandia and Bellreguard, Valencia.

wymagania wiekowe: od 18 do 30 lat
Spain, Gandia and Bellreguard, Valencia (- poza Gdańskiem -)
Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Gdańsku

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Gdańsku

Tylko zalogowani wolontariusze mogą aplikować na oferty.
Projekt i wykonanie: Mehowmy