Wyjątkowy wolontariat w Bremie

Data publikacji: 18/10/2023


Our partner from Germany NaturKultur e.V is looking for two volunteers from Gdánsk for a unique long-term volunteering project.


Bremen, Germany

 01/08/2023 - 31/07/2024

 2 people form Gdánsk, 18-30.

Are you interested in creating a project to interconnect two cities? Do you enjoy working self-sufficient and want to learn more about the administration of a city? Are you interested in working in a multicultural environment? This 👆🏻 is your chance!

 We are looking for two creative and motivated volunteers from Gdánsk, one as a Youth ambassador, who will represent our city and one as an Online ambassador, a social media expert to increase the visibility and external impact of the town twinning.  We are offering you the opportunity to take part to a long-term volunteering experience in our partner city of Bremen, Germany. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between your city, Gdańsk, and the sister city of Bremen.

The project is coordinated by the youth association NaturKultur e.V. and is a unique opportunity to develop your social and professional skills in a young, vibrant and international environment.

 German language knowledge will be appreciated but is not required. 


Opis zadania dla wolontariusza

 What is it about?
The youth association NaturKultur e.V. is offering two different positions for this project.
You can choose to apply for one of these two profiles:

  • Profile #1 – Youth Connected!
    As “Youth Ambassador” you will represent Gdańsk. The focus of your work will be on the relations of Gdańsk and Bremen to promote youth participation and youth exchange as well as to contribute to intensify the town twinning with your own project idea. That means, you will:
  • Work together with actors in youth work, youth groups and schools from Bremen and the twin towns 
  • Get to know the administrative apparatus of Bremen
  • Support the relationship and cooperation between your twin town and Bremen in particular and address younger target groups to educate about the concept of town twinning
  • Prepare and manage your own project and design a concept to integrate the perspectives of young people in Bremen and to expand youth participation.

  • Profile #2 – Online Connected!
    As “Online Ambassador” you will develop a social media/online strategy with particular focus on the partnership activities between Gdańsk and Bremen. The main goal is to support the team in increasing the visibility and external impact of the town twinning. That means, you will:
  • Get to know the administrative apparatus of Bremen
  • Develop, coordinate and implement a (new) social media and online presence and participate creatively on various social media and online platforms
  • Create individual social media campaigns or an online exhibition of the partnership relations between partner cities and Bremen
  • Support the relationship and cooperation between Gdansk and Bremen in particular
  • Prepare and manage your own project and design a concept for international youth activities in order to integrate the perspectives of young people in the international context of Bremen.

Whichever profile you will choose, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Work in a multicultural group of experts from different areas.
  • Help strengthen partnerships with youth exchange.
  • Reach new target groups through social media or help increase the visibility of the networking activities of the international work in Bremen.

Develop your own ideas and turn them into a project.


This offer is part of the European Solidarity Corps programme. It is dedicated to young people and covers :


Health insurance 

150€ monthly pocket money 

252€ for living expenses.

Travel costs

German language lessons 

Pre- departure, on-arrival, mid-term training.

Sending organization support during activity. 


 More information about the ESC and its benefits: www.eks.org.pl 

The Regional Volunteer Centre in Gdánsk is accredited to host and send young people. We will properly prepare You before departure and during your stay in Germany!

Dodatkowe informacje/wymagania

How to apply? 

Visit https://www.naturkultur.eu/en/esc-volunteering-at-freie-hansestadt-bremen-senatskanzlei-germany/ and fill out the form.

Application deadline: 26/02/2023

wymagania wiekowe: od 18 do 30 lat
Brema (- poza Gdańskiem -)
Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Gdańsku

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Gdańsku

Tylko zalogowani wolontariusze mogą aplikować na oferty.
Projekt i wykonanie: Mehowmy