Open with us European Solidarity Centre

In no other museum in Gdansk, you can find a police car and shipbuilding gantry crane STAR  as the exhibit. Any other building in the Gdansk has got growing trees inside. And any other library has a mezzanine floor and platforms/bridges. On 30th -31st August 2014 we are opening the headquarter of  European Solidarity Centre, Solidarity Square 1. Become a volunteer! 


Our requirements

● age of majority (reached by 1st August  2014)

● being able to speak English as well as German or Russian

● full availability on 30th August  2014 (some activities require the presence on 31st August 2014)

● participation in two compulsory trainings, information meetings (Kick off meeting, individual meetings with ECS workers)

● desirable features: creativity, ease in making contact, self-reliance



All volunteers participating in the event will be provided with benefits package which include:

● outfit – after the event it becomes their property

● First aid training, topography (site of action) training, workshops on interpersonal communication, courses connected with specific tasks

● Program materials – tools necessary for the proper realization of tasks

● Kick off meeting – familiarization with other volunteers and employees of ECS

● free public transport in Gdańsk (ZTM and ZKM)

● board – meal in a day of action

● accident insurance – insurance against accidents on the action

● certificate – that contains a detailed description of responsibilities and realized tasks.


Schedule recruitment

1st  July 2014 – 11th  August 2014 | Website Recruitment

11th -14th  August 2014 | individual interviews with selected volunteers

18th -22th  August 2014 | Kick off meeting

25th -29th  August 2014 | trainings, and meetings with various departments of ECS (with the exception of: 15th -17th  August 2014)

August 30th 2014 | implementation of tasks

September 19th  2014 | meeting summary

The scope of volunteers’ duties:

Post: Library


Job description: The task of the volunteers will be to guide tours through the library of ECS, to support people conducting the workshops, and to provide guests with information. Volunteer should be open and self-reliant. Applicants should respond quickly to problems and know foreign languages very well.


DEBATES + MEETINGS WITH AUTHORS+PRESENTATIONS OF MOVIES  | The task of the volunteers will be to coordinate the audience, welcoming guests, checking invitations, assisting in finding a suitable location, but also technical support: preparation of the hall/rooms, taking care of equipment.
Desirable features | good manners, kindness, ease of networking, the ability to quickly respond to crisis/unexpected situations and working under stress, speaking English very well.
NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.



Job description: An important task during the Opening will be to collect opinions and reflections about current activities of ECS after its Opening. Volunteers from different departments of ECS will have to identify which information they will collect from the guests. On this basis they will select an appropriate research tools and conduct the research. As a result, volunteers with the assist of ECS worker will create a report of the evaluation of the Opening Day Program.

Desirable features |This job requires from the volunteer the knowledge of tools to carry out sociological research and experience in conducting these.

Post: Photographer


The volunteers will take some pictures of the activities of other volunteers during the Opening of ECS, write down their memoirs, speeches and comments. Organizers provide photographic equipment and cameras.

Desirable features | Experience in taking pictures will be appreciated. Volunteers in this position will also work with ECS Facebook Fanpage moderator and volunteers from other activities.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.


Post: The Urban Game


Job Description: The task is to support the organizers of the game at the starting point. Volunteers will be responsible for passing the card game, commanding the most important information, controlling the routes and participant’straffic.

Desirable features | At this point, volunteers must demonstrate flexibility and autonomy.



Post: Theatrical performance


Job description: The library will be a place where a continuous interactive theatrical performance combined with many other performances will be held. Volunteers applying for this position will participate in the preparations carried out by the actors with whom they will play a show during the Opening.

Desirable features | The position is dedicated to creative and adventurous individuals with the ability of acting.

Post: Fanpage Moderator


Job description: the task of the person in this position will be to moderate a live broadcast of the Opening on ECS Facebook Fanpage. Fanpage moderators will be cooperating with other volunteers and coordinators.

Desirable features |The person in this position should have experience in conducting Facebook fanpages and have a large autonomy.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.

Post: Gest Curator


Job description: The task of the volunteers will be to take care of incoming guests including airport pick-up, directing to the appropriate hotel or ECS offices, helping out in unexpected situations (e.g., purchase of medicines etc.).

Desirable features | Volunteers for this position should know English very well, demonstrate good manners, be discreet, and should not have problems in establishing contacts. Those who apply for this position will be carefully prepared by employees of the ECS.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.


Post: Picnic


Job description: Volunteers acting in this area will serve at four positions where each visitor will be able to prepare by oneself a souvenir from the Opening. In addition, for the youngest guests, volunteers will run backyard games at each point.

Desirable features |Taking into account the specificity of this action, the volunteer should be an open and communicative person. The person acting in this capacity should also like contact with children.



Post: Press office


Job Description: Volunteers will support ECS staff at the press office, provide guests with information during the accreditation issue, guide the media into the designated place, give out promotional materials, take care of special guests. Volunteer should have a lot of independence, creativity, be able to work in a group and contact easily.

Desirable features | People applying for this post should knowat least one foreign language well. Experience on a similar job will be appreciated.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.



 Post: Stationary and mobile information points


Job description: On the roads leading to a new headquarters and on specially prepared stationary information points outside and inside the building, volunteers will provide guests with information about the attractions and route directions. They will also respond to crisis situations.

Desirable features | Volunteers working in this area will be the front line for visitors. It is important that a person applying for the job is open, communicative, self-contained and able to communicate in English.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.


Post: Comics Workshops


Job description: During the open day a comics workshops conducted by well-known authors will be held. The task of the volunteers will be to support the leaders of the workshops, to encourage visitors to participate, and to provide guests with information.

Desirable features | It is important for the volunteer to have an artistic sense. Those who have experience in drawing comics are welcome.


Post: Permanent Exhibition


Job Description: Volunteers in this area will support guides of the exhibition. Among guides there will be well-known artists,members of opposition and the exhibition’s authors. Volunteers would take care of the smooth flow of people and will provide guests with information and directions.

Desirable features | A communicative knowledge of English, openness and personal culture are important in this job.

NOTE | Volunteers working in this position will also work on 31st August during the second day of the Opening.

 Post: Souvenir Collection


Job description: During the day the Laboratory of digitization will carry on collecting items that are a testament to the fight against the communist system. Volunteers wishing to contribute to those activities will be responsible for the registration of souvenirs. Prior to the ceremony there will be a special workplace training held for the volunteers.

Desirable features | Volunteers in this post must demonstrate a personal culture and conscientiousness.


Link to application form

More information

Alicja Kaczmarek

Projekt i wykonanie: Mehowmy